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Geometry Settings

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Can you guys help.....

Trying to get Prodrive Settings done near Edinburgh...Having trouble finding somebody who works at the Weekend , so i dont have to take a day off work.

All suggestions welcome..


Theres target tyres in perth they are open on Saturday just the travel from Edinburgh .Theres dastek i think do it thats nearer if they do. Target got prodrive settings i just went for subaru settings


Cheers Dipsy,

Derek FKS 85 mentioned Perth before...think i'll give them a call

Tried the guy at Sighthill , but doesn't work on Saturdays.


Hi Johnny,

Good to see you back...Tried them but can't get a day off work at the moment & he doesn't work saturdays

Need to look further afield



where can i get this done in glasgow????

cars puling right bigtime. peter fai is concerned about my well being and i owe it to him at least to get this doneface-icon-small-blush.gif


Pro Grip in Bonnybridge do this, as they set mine up on prodrive settings after i got my new suspension fitted. Not sure of the number for them, I booked mine through Duncan @ Hypertech, 01324 812212




farmers????????????????????/ just called them and he said

"hus it goat they big 17's an aw that oan it?"

"we cannae dae it by the way"

so on that note............farmers arent the place to go

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