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Seeking Dump Valve Opinions ?!

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Whats the best in your opinion and why ?

I need one thats loud but not too loud. Are they suppodely audibly adjustable ones any good ?

I've been considering a Bailey one :-


DV 26....... NEW! EVO Piston Dump Valve - Polished or Anodised Finish.......£88.13 ( THIS ONE)

Whats the story with these recirculating ones ? And has anyone got any video clips of one in action

What about the Forge ones ?

I'm confused face-icon-small-confused.gif

Thanks as always you knowledgeable lot


P.S ------> I have first dibs on a used Baileys DV for the new age but it doesn't come with a blanking plate so may just buy new?


Recirculating Dump Valve is what is fitted as standard. The standard opinion is that VTA (vent to atmosphere) offer no more than a nice sound but some people have experienced rough running/jerkiness on/off boost, and a variety of other fuelling issues.

No experience of this as I have never fitted one to mine - just know of all the people who have ditched theirs and the number of ads you see for 2 week old DV's face-icon-small-sad.gif That may be due to people getting annoyed with the sound - STI-04!! Stephen loved his though.

Brian face-icon-small-happy.gif


I have a forge DV, I like the pssssss! What the valve does is dump the boost when you lift off to brake, slow down etc etc. It stops you turbine in the turbo housing stalling, keeps it spinning by dumping off the pressure as it comes back down your system, no longer required because you have lifted off the accelerator and not being able to be forced into the cylinders has no where to go except back the way, the dump valve, connected in which ever manner it does, dumps the back pressure. Recirculating puts it back into the sytem via the intake, VTA vent to atmosphere just dumps it harmlessly wherever it is. There are many arguments and preferences. Some folk dont like hot air going back into thier intake and prefer VTA cos it keeps the charge temp down, some people prefer recirculating because the air that is being dumped has been metered by your AFR as it comes in and feel that dumping it away will bugger up your metering and fuelling, or simply feel like a boy racer with all the pssss! churrp! or whatever, and dont like it. They all do the same thing and there is very little IMHO difference in the goods produced by different companies. Just a name, build quality or overall gucci fandangoness will dictate the price! I have a forge on my pace hard piping for my FMIC, its VTA and I like the noise, but my car has a link ecu and doesnt need a AFR it reads from elsewhere so that doesnt bother me. Have a look at others cars and make your own mind up before you chuck your money away. Incidentally, the wrc cars dont have a dump valve, they keep the pressure in the system, it stalls thier turbine but the pressure is still there so they spool up quicker, mind you, prodrive can replace thier turbo after every race ! We cannot cos its too damn expensive!! Hope this helpsface-icon-small-wink.gif


Squirrel, my dear fellow! How is paisley ? Your turbine can take the strain but for how long? I can get the repair kit for about £35 when the shaft gives out.


Just a quicky, if you know what you are doing its also worth giving your DV an ocassional clean and lube, I use copperslipface-icon-small-smile.gif This stops the comment "This was a waste of money, its f*****!"


i have had no running problems with my turbosmart one. face-icon-small-wink.gif apart from scaring the young and the old and fragile face-icon-small-happy.gif

just need to find out what the optimum setting to have it at is, hard, soft or in middle???????



Andy, doing good my man! Just been posted back to Scotland as an Instructor to the TA! If im not working Ill see u at KH Pilgrim!face-icon-small-wink.gif


Had a HKS SSQV fitted to mine and I did have a slight drop in MPG, also had flames at certain times I was told but I never saw em. Had no other issues but basically not having the standard (or an uprated recirc for that matter) will knacker the way the car runs, it looks for a certain amount of preasure coming back past the MAF on overrun and when it doesnt see it it just dumps fuel into the cyl's. Leaving it for a Very long time with poor servicing causes bore wash....not good.

I can tell you though you get so tired of it when your going through town, you quickly get bored of older people waving you down cause they think your a bus.

Now after saying all of that........................doesnt have sound the DB's when driving sensibly through back roads etc............... Rose so misses my dump valve, didnt speak to me for ages after I sold it ......... which was nice face-icon-small-happy.gif



Picked up the DV from Gordon tonight face-icon-small-smile.gif Nice noise without being too loud. It if begins to annoy me ( unlikely as it's not hooligan volume) then I'll whip it off for a while..........

Big thanks for Gordon who kindly offered to fit it for me in the dark @ 2030 on a Sunday night face-icon-small-shocked.gif..Top Bloke !

Right next Question :- as it's such a miniscule and reversibel mod, is it worth telling the insurance co. about ? They usually

( & wrongly) assume that all mods add 10% power and hike yer premium up £75. So should I tell em ?


<< Picked up the DV from Gordon tonight face-icon-small-smile.gif Nice noise without being too loud. It if begins to annoy me ( unlikely as it's not hooligan volume) then I'll whip it off for a while..........

Big thanks for Gordon who kindly offered to fit it for me in the dark @ 2030 on a Sunday night face-icon-small-shocked.gif..Top Bloke !

Right next Question :- as it's such a miniscule and reversibel mod, is it worth telling the insurance co. about ? They usually

( & wrongly) assume that all mods add 10% power and hike yer premium up £75. So should I tell em ? >>

they dont know about mine........................up to you really.

if you do tell them then make sure u let us all know what they say face-icon-small-wink.gif


well the way i look at this is, i already comes with a dump valve...so you are only improving on the design not really modifieing as such..

nae problem for fitting it, for all the time it takes

Like your car btw...

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