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my Baby is back 2 normal

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as some people know i had a bit of a problem with the scooby over the weeked at the meet it was over boosting and not enough fuel supply.

Dismantled all multi plugs and sprayed with water dispersant cleaned the maf sensor and cleaned out the boost solenoid etc.

Reset the ECU and now she is back to normal after taking her a test run!

Cant wait to get some more mods to bring the boost to 1.2 bar cos it is not the same no more but at least i know its safe the way it is just now.



hi alan we was going 2 rms in kinning park 2 pick up stuff then off 2 go get the harneses 4 the car.

claire said it was u that we driven past but i was not sure.



All right folks, we are looking for one last big push for prezzies for the Santa Cruz for the children of

Yorkhill. Please remember that this is being run by Scottish members & next year we could be delivering

toys to sick/under privileged kids in your area. We need all the Scottish members to dig deep to make

it a good Christmas for the kids.

PS I am high jacking all the threads as I feel quite disappointed that more members are not getting involved.

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