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Hamilton Meet..........27th AUG

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Hi All,

anyone else for tomorrow nights meet at avonbridge hotel,hamilton.starts about 7.30 ish.


Hi Stephen,not stealing your thunder m8,you've been kinda quiet...............must be all that flitting going onface-icon-small-wink.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif



I would come along but I am working in Largs tomorrow night!!!

Otherwise I would - and before you ask DOugs - it is a wedding so I can't cancel it face-icon-small-wink.gif

Brian face-icon-small-smile.gif


OH WHAT A NIGHTface-icon-small-blush.gifface-icon-small-blush.gifface-icon-small-mad.gifface-icon-small-mad.gif

Finally got home,on the back of recovery truck,Feckin pile of white jap scrap broke down right outside avonbridge hotel.Car was only out of S&S for 3 HOURS,after SUBARU technical chappy had spent all afternoon fixing CEL fault.HA BLOODY HA,USELESS TWATSface-icon-small-disgusted.gif Rant mode now off.....................

I'm calming down now,can o' miller to the rescue.

Nice to meet those that turned up,all 5 of us!!!!!


psssssch.....ahhh, another can o'millerface-icon-small-cool.gif


Hi Wullie,

Sorry we didn't get a chance to blether,scoobs got a fecked ECU & can't get new one till midweekface-icon-small-frown.gif

Hopefully I'll manage along to run,in a Fix Or Repair Daily spacemobileface-icon-small-happy.gif

Nice meeting you too, & was it your girl or sister? face-icon-small-wink.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif


Del & scoobaybrat(Stephen)


face-icon-small-happy.gif Hi Scoobay Its Wullies bird here. I'm not his sister it was nice talking to you still love the reggie plate. Hope you get everything sorted and get your wheels back on the road on Wednesday.



<< Hi Wullie,

Sorry we didn't get a chance to blether,scoobs got a fecked ECU & can't get new one till midweekface-icon-small-frown.gif

Hopefully I'll manage along to run,in a Fix Or Repair Daily spacemobileface-icon-small-happy.gif

Nice meeting you too, & was it your girl or sister? face-icon-small-wink.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif


Del & scoobaybrat(Stephen) >>

A fecked ECU

Bloody Subarus,bloody Jap pieces of kak except when they are 100% thats when they become the best bloody car in the world .........ever


Classic quote "Is that your Girl or your sister?2 .......ROFLMAO

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