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CustomScoobies MasterClass: Sat and Sun Engine In and Out Help Needed!

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Helped needed this Sat and Sun for an engine transplant for Neils car.

Have an STI engine going in as well as various bits of wiring to do. Anyone who can lend their hand to it will be much appreciated!

So far there is me!

So it is engine out, engine strip and swap things over as before and engine back in. Also wiring for knocklink, soldering skills prob be done myself.

Also anyone got some space to do it! I have my complete toolkit with me.

Even if you aint a clue what you are doing, I will show you face-icon-small-smile.gif Excellent time to learn how to do it!

Just quick post here please!

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You know you have my services to help out mate. After you and Neil helped me with mine it's the least I can do to paypack the favour a bit.

I'll be free all day on Saturday but I'm afraid I can't offer to help on Sunday sorry as I'm running a barbeque for my skirmish club and I can't really drop out of it seeing as I'm the club president.

I'm pretty good with a soldering iron too if you're not 100% keen on doing it Jon.

I'll be glad to be able to return the favour a bit. face-icon-small-smile.gif


Thanks guys good on ya face-icon-small-smile.gif

Will aim to get done Sat, morale and all that face-icon-small-wink.gif

Jim if you can solder thats cool with me mate!

Can we use your spot again Jim is that a problem then? Just bit more open space than a driveaway face-icon-small-smile.gif


Hey guys,

hope my (unskilled) labour can be put to good use at the weekend even if it means getting some grub to the lads doing the real work!

This kind of community spirit I think summarises scooby ownership so well, even if you do run into issues you always know that theres a handful of guys more than willing to help as much as they can! :-)


A good way of getting familiar with your motor.

Adn finding out funny quirky things about them that make all the difference in future (like clutches!!)


Yeah but I mean making sure it's connected properly now we know the secret!face-icon-small-shocked.gif

I'm sure Neil will be supplying the refreshments this time seeing as it's his engine we're doing this time rather than mine.... face-icon-small-wink.gif


Good man.

Right guys the plan is:

8am - Start and get the car on 4 axle stands. Strip off engine stuff.

10am - Engine ready to be lifted out

11am - Engine completely out and on the pallet to be stripped of certain components.

2am - Engine ready to start being put back in.

5pm - All done and a healthy Scooby rumble face-icon-small-happy.gif

Jim is gonna be doing the engine side with me giving hints etc and stuff and you guys helping there.

Im gonna be working on wiring inside the car, getting Knocklink and Boost Controller installed as well as soldering the ScoobyECU (or maybe Jim!)

Once the engine is out I will be dropping the suspension on all 4 corners and replacing with new struts and springs (pre-assembled). Might get someone to do one side whilst I do the other. Then once the springs are on etc. the engine in theory should be ready to go back in with alternator, inlet, exhaust manifolds and clutch on it.

I will bring my toolkit, Jim has his, if anyone has any ratchet sets, screwdrivers etc can they bring them too? Always useful face-icon-small-smile.gif

Oh and I need a DRILL and some self tapping screws please guys. To fit the front splitter.

Hows this sound?

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