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Going to give it a bit off time as there was a bad smash involving a scooby a week ago...a scooby doing 120+ in a 30 and 3 people died.......but the drviver was ok...sods law ehface-icon-small-mad.gif.....know aint the right time to have a meet near here anyway till things blow over....


Kipper....I live about a mile from the accident site and I did see a bit of the aftermath. Very nasty and if someone was doing 120 through a 30 then it is criminal. However I don't see the connection between that sort of behaviour and what the SIDC is about. (as I see it anyway). A Fife meet is well overdue and I don't see why someone else's criminal behaviour should affect me just because they drive the same kind of car as me. If that were the case no-one would ever drive a Nova again!


1 Mile..your close to me then....I'm only about 2 mile away in Leven.....

I dont want to attract loads of police attention.........the venue is just down the road from the cop shop and some one will phone you can be sure of it after the acc....I had too much trouble with the police in NI...


I am in Windygates. if a venue is a problem then how about the Millfield. That is where the East Fife Motor Club used to meet for over a decade.


I was going to use the coach park at Bayview..I could'nt think of any pubs close that had the parking able. can you think of any


The Millfield has plenty of car parking and used to be very car friendly. The Windygates hosts the GMSC meet but is a bit short of car parking.


Is the Millfield in glenrothes? think i went to a birthday party there in january..if so yeah it has loads of parking!face-icon-small-happy.gif

Is your scooby blue by any chance


No its in Leven, just up the hill on the right hand side from the co-op.

Has a fair sized car park. Unfortunately my car wont be there unless someone else drives it due to a disagreement with the fine upstanding police officers of Fife constabulary......face-icon-small-mad.gif


Kipper...Yeah I have a blue wagon. got the SIDC stickers on it now.

Been waving at a few scoobs these last few days. I take it you were one of them.


lol...na i sold mine last november due to loads of re occuring faults......na a blue scooby nearly ran my auntie of the windygates to leven road last week..... she was still shaking the next day...when we people learn that it aint cool to do a ton on a busy road or any road for that fact...did you heard about the smash on monday night at the prom in kirkcadly..my m8 was racing a 2.0i converted nova and some twat thought he would pull out onto the middle of the road to stop it....he did with the side of his car ........ luckly my m8 was getting beat and managed to stop unlike the nova.....worst of all the poor wee nove guy had spend all of his money on the conversion and none on insuranceface-icon-small-tongue.gif

ill check out the millfield and maybe the one in glenrothes as its car park is massive...


I hope that wasn't me! I have been known to drive quickly but not on the Windygates/Leven road though.

Kipper if you want a chat pm me a phone number.


it says i cant send you a pm so if you like pal try

msn....... kipper57@hotmail.com

aol...... chrsdan3

cheers pal

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