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Next Glasgow Meet The 5th Or Do We Change It.

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Just looked at the calender and realise the next meeting falls on the 5th November, the question is do you want to change it?

I know a lot of firework displays are on, so do we keep it as normal, make it later or chnage the date? I know there are a lot of members with kids (me included) so this is really for them.

Majority rules so please choose.

Keep the same



Make it later (say 8.30pm)



Change date (possibly the 12th)



Don't mind



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Majority rules so please choose.

Keep the same

1.Terzo Neil


Make it later (say 8.30pm)



Change date (possibly the 12th)

1.kennyuk300<Stirling works for me :)

2.wrx kenny stirling for me to

3. TheWelsho > combo meet sounds cool, plus the 5th is my 15th wedding anniversary!

Don't mind



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Majority rules so please choose.

Keep the same

1.Terzo Neil


Make it later (say 8.30pm)



Change date (possibly the 12th)

1.kennyuk300<Stirling works for me :icon_salut:

2.wrx kenny stirling for me too

3. TheWelsho > combo meet sounds cool, plus the 5th is my 15th wedding anniversary!

4. Richie - I'm free for both dates but like the idea of going through to Central. An excuse for a wee run :)

Don't mind



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nah, the organised display at Glagow Green is on Thurs 5th this year.

i remember it was rescheduled last year as it clashed with a football match :)

if we reschedule the meet to a week later and merge it with the Central guys,

it may be hard to talk about Santa Cruise stuff, there seems to be a large attendance at the Central meet.

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Thought I'd bump this back up for the Glasgow regulars who still have to vote and it's only a week until

our usual meet night.

Even though it's majority rule, is this the first test of our new RO's decision making since coming to power! :P

Do we stay to make sure we concentrate on Santa Cruise???

If we're sticking to the tried and tested formula, are we just not getting forms etc?

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Thought I'd bump this back up for the Glasgow regulars who still have to vote and it's only a week until

our usual meet night.

Even though it's majority rule, is this the first test of our new RO's decision making since coming to power! :P

Do we stay to make sure we concentrate on Santa Cruise???

If we're sticking to the tried and tested formula, are we just not getting forms etc?

Richie has robert not posted in events saying its on the fifth? :)

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