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Charity Challenge Fund Raiser Idea

Big 'D'

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Hi all

I have been hitting the weight training quite hard over the past 3 to 4 months and feel that I would be up for a little Charity Challenge :lol:, the idea being that I could attempt to lift the equivilent weight of an object within a set period of time, for example I have seen one guy lift the weight of a 747 within a set time period, not only would this challenge my physical condition I think it would be great fun too.

What I need from you guys is...............

A target weight equivilent to ????????? (something interesting)

A set time to achieve the target weight in.

Cheers Iain

Posted (edited)
The weight of your scooby with Phil sat in it!

Too easy think bigger, I will be adding the weight of every rep of every lift I do to finnaly reach the target weight, remember its not an all out deadlift of an Impreza I am aiming for it is to add the weight from every rep I do together until I reach the target weight, I can perform any exercise during the time limit. So for example if I do 10 leg presses with a weight of 100kg that = 1000kgs if I was then to bench press ten reps @ 50kgs the total would then be 1500kgs and so on, give you a clue I can easily clear the weight of a Scoob in one set of 10 reps in some exercises :lol:

Think big and exciting guys.

Cheers Iain

Edited by Big 'D'

How about a house then? Will give Kiera some serious bragging rights when she gets to school... "my daddy's stronger than your daddy - he really can lift a house!" :P

seriously though mate, what sort of weight range are we looking at? It may help to narrow down the suggestions... What may seem stupidly heavy to the majority of us, probably isn't to you :lol:

VC10? You might even get some support from other circles????

VC10 weights about 78000kgs :lol:

So how long would I get to lift this mammoth weight ?

Cheers Iain

VC10 weights about 78000kgs :thumbup:

So how long would I get to lift this mammoth weight ?

Cheers Iain

78kg bench press is well within your scope, Iain. So that is 1000 reps, I reckon 100 a day, 5 sets of 10 in the AM and again in the PM, so ten days. You will have a great chest after that, or two torn pecs, not such a good look. Or you can go down the deadlift route, 100kg is definitely well within your scope, so 780 reps, 78 reps a day, 10 days, you get it. Your back spread will be like Thor's, or you will be crippled.

78kg bench press is well within your scope, Iain. So that is 1000 reps, I reckon 100 a day, 5 sets of 10 in the AM and again in the PM, so ten days. You will have a great chest after that, or two torn pecs, not such a good look. Or you can go down the deadlift route, 100kg is definitely well within your scope, so 780 reps, 78 reps a day, 10 days, you get it. Your back spread will be like Thor's, or you will be crippled.

If I mixed the wourkout and used smaller weights I recon I can do it in a day.

Cheers Iain

Myles just wants to see you with a great chest lol!!!!!! :thumbup:

What way would you like to do the weight? leg press/bench etc?????

Ive got a semi lob on as I type. 78000kg in a day, good luck! It would have to be very carefully planned, I think you can either do deadlift or leg press, as both will fatigue the legs, chest press, shoulder press, lat p/d, cable row, Im fast running out of compound exercises!

Posted (edited)

Hi guys just to give you a rough idea of what I am cabable of, this moring I worked on my back in the gym and moved a total of 13532kgs in under 2 hours (including alot of chatting, sorry Myles ), obviously I will have to drop weights and lower the reps as the day goes on but I am 100% confident I can do this in a day :thumbup:

So who is going to sponsor me and what charity shall we give the money too? I will let you guys decide, perhaps a local charity if we can, or even towards a local Santa Cruise? B)

Your choice people.

I will sponsor myself £10 to get things going, will need to sort out some sort of online sponsorship form if that is possible if anyone can help with that?

Once we have sorted the details out I will get sponsorship forms etc made up and get you all to go round work etc to raise the funds if thats ok with you guys :)

This should be fun

Cheers Iain

Edited by Big 'D'

a just giving page will be up and running once the details have been finalised as well as a physical donation form so it'll be nice and easy for everyone to get donations together! :thumbup:

a just giving page will be up and running once the details have been finalised as well as a physical donation form so it'll be nice and easy for everyone to get donations together! :thumbup:

A physical donation sounds like one you would carry out at a sperm bank.

LOL! Myles you need help mate............

Iain - do you have a final decision on what you are going to do? of course i'll sponsor you, but wanna know how tough it's going to be lol...

not to sure what charity floats your boat, but we do a lot of work for newlife which is a local charity for children. real nice people and just last week we dropped over £120 from the footy team :) check it out mate.

I'll sponsor someone to wash my car if you like? :):o oh and the Lexus.......

I am very tempted to put the funds raised towards a local Santa Cruise if nobody has any objections, I am open to other suggestions yet though :thumbup:

Lets call the challenge 78 000kgs within 8 hours then, is that tough enough for you B)

Cheers Iain

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