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Insurance Quotes

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Hi People

Got my re-newal letter in from my insurance the other day , only to find its went up by almost £180 :lol:

So i've told them to ram it ! , Thing is i thought with a bit of time on some price comparison websites that i was sure to get a good deal and although i did get the quotes back down to a reasonable price , most of these had compulsery exess's of £ 500 - £ 800

Am i the only one who is getting quotes from Dick Turpin or has anyone else found this , or has everyone's insurance gone up aswell ?

Does anyone have any suggestions , incase there is a magical insurance company out there i dont know about ?

And its not an age issue either as im in my mid-30's with full no claims :)



hi mate try a plan or keith micheals as they seem to be the best,numbers are on scoobynet in the insurance section


I havent tried them , so heres hoping !

Posted (edited)
or has everyone's insurance gone up aswell ?

Generally speaking car insurance has taken a hike upwards the last 12 months or so! Many peoples insurance going up the past year, some able to haggle/compare their way back to previous years prices but not many people are saving this year... :lol:

.. YOur defiantely not alone... But worth shopping around..

Edited by ScoUK
Posted (edited)

I just renewed staying with Keith Michael's for third year - ask for Gary Moulson (he has a Scoob himself so understands any mods) on 02082880275, mention saw his posts on Scoobynet. One to try?

As ScoUK says, most premiums are going up, supposedly cause of ever increasing number of personal injury claims, but mine only went up £25 which is not bad suppose

Edited by C_WRX

I just renewed mine and didn't go with Keith Michaels as Direct Line saved me £250.

My last 2 renewals with KM have both went up in price despite having a better no claims.

Was with admiral last year and for no reason my renewal went up by £300 :lol:

I was with admiral and had been for about 9 years, never had a problem and they always gave a sensible quote after i called them and laughed at their renewal quote. Not this year though... it went from £500 to £1124. The only reason they could give was that i had picked up 3 points for speeding!

I found 18 quotes under £500 but ended up paying £600 through M&S, the good quotes are out there it's finding them thats the hassle.


Well I had been with Kwik Fit before, last year I was £1650 for a UK 2000 lol, this year they quoted me £1950 ...... E-Car quoted me £1005...... That'll do nicely for me!!


£687 with Greenlight this year.Got it for £523 with Admiral and im still waiting on Keith Micheals coming up with a quote (as usual).Too late they have lost out again.

£687 with Greenlight this year.Got it for £523 with Admiral and im still waiting on Keith Micheals coming up with a quote (as usual).Too late they have lost out again.

Bloody hell that's dear, last year with elephant £600 for my07 wrx sl wagon. for the new 330s it was £187 from 1st Central. even phoned to check. checked confused.com and 5 company's where all quoting low prices for the 330s. So good deals are out there.


Thank's for all your input !

Im waiting on Keith Micheals getting back to me , but i still have over a week left to find a good deal

I dont feel quite as bad now after seeing what some of you pay for insurance :lol:

Thank's again



just renewed mine from A plan, mind you im paying more in excess than i am for insurance so i need to be carefull out there :lol:

it went from £500 to £1124. The only reason they could give was that i had picked up 3 points for speeding!

Yeow! I've got one more renewal before I can get rid of my 3 point baggage for tinted windows :lol:

Currently £575 on MY01 WRX 29y/o, 5y ncd, all mods declared and covered :)

Posted (edited)
Bloody hell that's dear, last year with elephant £600 for my07 wrx sl wagon. for the new 330s it was £187 from 1st Central. even phoned to check. checked confused.com and 5 company's where all quoting low prices for the 330s. So good deals are out there.

Ed remember that quotes are calculated on your postcode etc and also my car is classed group 19/20 depending on insurance company.

Im sick of the damn car anyway 6 warranty claims so far.Cheap junk as far as im concerned.Im considering gettin rid of it.

1. Alarm system replaced due to constant false alarms

2. All alloy wheels replaced due to corrosion after 8 months £1700 option i might add

3.Front brake pads gave up after 5000mls because of surface cracks

4.Persistant rattles from trim in boot which i cured myself

5.Engine map had to be upgraded to stop it self destructing

6.Booked in this coming saturday to have the fuel pump replaced as it screeches when the ignition is switched on.

Dont buy one they are POO!

And finally your caring LABOUR GOVERNMENT will ROB U of £405 road tax as well.Bar Stewards!

Edited by billyboy
just renewed mine from A plan, mind you im paying more in excess than i am for insurance so i need to be carefull out there :lol:

Didn't you tell me you got yours cheaper from SAGA auld yin?? :)

And finally your caring LABOUR GOVERNMENT will ROB U of £405 road tax as well.Bar Stewards!

Yeah! that's one of hte reasons I'm happy to stick with my bugeye for the moment... Quite fancy a Hawkeye STi in the future but the cost would go up quite a bit!

Posted (edited)
Im sick of the damn car anyway 6 warranty claims so far.Cheap junk as far as im concerned.Im considering gettin rid of it.

1. Alarm system replaced due to constant false alarms

2. All alloy wheels replaced due to corrosion after 8 months £1700 option i might add

3.Front brake pads gave up after 5000mls because of surface cracks

4.Persistant rattles from trim in boot which i cured myself

5.Engine map had to be upgraded to stop it self destructing

6.Booked in this coming saturday to have the fuel pump replaced as it screeches when the ignition is switched on.

Dont buy one they are POO!

What were you driving before the hatch, Billy?

And finally your caring LABOUR GOVERNMENT will ROB U of £405 road tax as well.Bar Stewards!
Tell me about it - that's a sore, SORE point...

Tax bands that supposedly exist for 'environmental' reasons... meanwhile the same government encourages motorists to have their old cars scrapped and replaced with newly-manufactured articles - despite it being well-documented that the damage done to the environment by manufacturing a new car is greater than that incurred by keeping an older car running...

I guess that economy>ecology, eh? Green tax, my cahoonas...! :blink:

P.S. Don't expect any better from the Tories - ripping off the motorist has become an accepted part of our national culture ;)

Edited by Mystery Machine

think insurance for the RA is £600 something.

my renewal went up by £25, and that was because of the monthly direct debit setup i wanted and they do it through a 3rd party.

Stuck with A-Plan, all mods declared ;)

got quotes from KM and Greenlight but were coming in dearer than what I was already on.

find sites like Money Supermarket, confused etc a waste of time cos they dont insure imports.

Also the "female driver insurance companies" dont work for me for the same reason :blink:


Still waiting on Keith Micheals and a-plan getting back to me :blink:

Tried admiral ;);):D They quoted me £1460

The quote i originally mentioned was £620 , looks like i will just have to take a high excess

Hi People

Got my re-newal letter in from my insurance the other day , only to find its went up by almost £180 :blink:

So i've told them to ram it ! , Thing is i thought with a bit of time on some price comparison websites that i was sure to get a good deal and although i did get the quotes back down to a reasonable price , most of these had compulsery exess's of £ 500 - £ 800

Am i the only one who is getting quotes from Dick Turpin or has anyone else found this , or has everyone's insurance gone up aswell ?

Does anyone have any suggestions , incase there is a magical insurance company out there i dont know about ?

And its not an age issue either as im in my mid-30's with full no claims ;)



Elephant are always good i find

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