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Just Had A Wee 1500 Mile Round Trip

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Posted (edited)

Just had a wee 1500 mile round trip to southamton and back to collect my dads new car i drove it the whole way and im very impressed with it its very nice to drive and holy shmit it goes.

I love the I drive too i find a big difference from the 3 settings here a few picks for ya. I think he is going for the 18" wheels too.

Edited by Scoob Fae Ork

These are growing soooo much on me. Unsure which model it was, but at the Mcrae Gathering last year they had a Grey coloured car on the stand with quite large anthracite wheels on it. Would I be right in saying it was a 330!? Anyway, as soon as I saw it standing like that my opinion of it changed completely. Great car your Dad's got there!


:P Orkney to Southampton? Mind if I ask why you didnt get it from a Scottish dealer and save yourself such a large trip?

Superb car though, i'd love to get a similar one :D


I have to agree, theres so many people on here that have said they are a fantastic car,

BUT i just cant get past the fact they have not really styled the car better.

I certainly wouldnt turn one down!!

:P Orkney to Southampton? Mind if I ask why you didnt get it from a Scottish dealer and save yourself such a large trip?

Superb car though, i'd love to get a similar one :D

The reason for going so far was the price. The car my dad bought was from a prestige dealership and wanted to pass on the car fast so they sold it very cheap Subaru phoned and could not come close to that price my dad got, plus you cant beat a road trip in a Scoob :D . just wish i saw the thing first :P

.....like the back but the front end puts me off.

The front look fine its the rear lights and Dumbo mirrors that put me off!

Silver and Dark Grey are the best colours IMO.

Posted (edited)

I didnt like them at first but id had only seen it from pics. Then i seen a white STI in broxburn and there a bucket load nicer in the flesh.

Id even go as far to said id buy1 :D

Edited by CRAIG D

As far as looks goes even my Dad turned to me when we arrived at the boat and said the looks will take a bit of getting used to but he loves the drive and every thing else that make's it a Scooby. The best way i can think to describe the new STI is that it is an Impreza STI in every way but for everyday use its just grown up a bit IMO.

As far as looks goes even my Dad turned to me when we arrived at the boat and said the looks will take a bit of getting used to but he loves the drive and every thing else that make's it a Scooby. The best way i can think to describe the new STI is that it is an Impreza STI in every way but for everyday use its just grown up a bit IMO.

Used to stay in Orkney for a few years, great roads ( i was biking at the time).

Used to stay in Orkney for a few years, great roads ( i was biking at the time).

Very good roads for Scooby driving but not very good if you like to keep your car in good condition down to the millions of loose stones that our super dooper council leaves for us :D

Hope it was less than the £15000 it sold on ebay for recently. :redcard:


No need to worry it was my dad that bought it from e-bay it was a very nice garage he got it from there was a spankin new Bently there :P


I have a Blue '08 STI with 18" wheels.

Can't recommend it enough.

When cruising on motorway in busy traffic, I use SI drive and get better fuel consumption than the WRX I had previously.

On an open road, change to Sport # and it is ballistic.

Best of both worlds.

People who don't know Subaru quite like styling. Looks like the various discussion boards are the only people with a downer on the shape.

Love it myself. A wolf in sheeps clothing. No boot spoiler or gold wheels to attact attention.

No need to worry it was my dad that bought it from e-bay it was a very nice garage he got it from there was a spankin new Bently there :)

Minted m8,he got an absolute bargain and they are amazing to drive contrary to what a lot of people think of them.

Also got a few choice extras aswell,bonus.



Minted m8,he got an absolute bargain and they are amazing to drive contrary to what a lot of people think of them.

Also got a few choice extras aswell,bonus.



He could not be happy'r with the car to start with it seemed to be to good to be true but when he looked in to it he found it was genuine but we still cant really belive how good the deal was. as for driving the car it had me sold in the first 20 miles i think im gonna have to save like mad now and get my own :)

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