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Today, i went out to my car to find the grass cutters have smashed my drivers side fog light cover. Dunno what they hit it with, but it's dropped my bumper by about 1/2 inch too. They've also chipped alot of paint alongside my driverside sideskirt (stone chips). The total a***hole who did this just left my cover next to the wheel.

Also my car is totally covered in grass AGAIN, seems like they had alot of fun at my expense today :rotfl: I know they have a job to do, but is it too hard to take alittle care in others property.

I've taken lots of images of my cover, chipped paint, covered in grass..... Do you think I have a case to complain?

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Too bloody right you have a claim, get onto the council straight away.

I have sent you a private message via the super duper private messaging system. I most certainly do NOT touch goats!

WTF is that "I touch goats" crap!! That's not what I'm typing!!!!

Edited by Pistonbroke2
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You most certainly do have grounds to make a claim, against the contractors, under there Public Liability Insurance.

Contact the council straight away, and report the incident, remember to get a report reference.

Get three independent Estimates and forward these together with a full report including Local, Time, damage coursed and how/what damaged your car. The council appoint the contractors and both the council and contractor have a "duty of care" to your property.

Don't sit on it, get on the case. :rotfl:

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here you go 01622 602202 customer service and their email address is contactcentretelephones@maidstone.gov.uk for Maidstone

KCC is 08458 247 247 email is county.hall@kent.gov.uk

I don't know which one you need to talk to

Edited by Jamessti
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Well what can I say. Phoned MBC about 2pm thursday, they were out examining my car, taking pics, & a statement by 11am friday morning. The guy seemed really to act like it was a huge deal (was thinking they'd sweep it under the carpet for several months). He went off to interview the grasscutters who worked in that area on Wednesday, & promised to visit my house again on Monday.

He also seemed quite shocked at the amount of grass stuck to the car. I just hope he's verdict goes in my favour.

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