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CSIOM is coming home!!!

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Friday, 6pm, Sea Terminal, Douglas.

Our-esteemed friend (and my top, lanky buddy) Mr Stokes is back in Scooby Island (and he's bringing the yellow submarine).

Who is coming out to play this weekend and spend time with the former star of the TV series The Muppets, Beaker?

We're planning to be out both Friday and Saturday, no doubt Colours and the Outback will feature heavily.

Saturday afternoon, 3pm, Colours for a bit before a thorough examination of the flying custard.

Any other ideas/suggestions for the weekend?

Bungs must be out (Dave, I've greased my arm up the elbow already!).

Baseball caps optional.

Engines in.

Spins and pole-butting not required, Mr Fabrizio (remember what the nice police sergeant said?!).

Cowboy boots on, Mr Prouse.


BoxofBullets23 reporting for duty.

And I promise, Frankie, I won't be caught on camera again wearing stupid hats and with my trousers round my ankles.

Who else?


Hopefully be able to get out later on in the evening tomorrow but I've got a meal with 'the family' earlier so might not be able to come and play until 10ish at a guess. PLenty of time to still get messed up though! face-icon-small-happy.gif


I'm bring my own weapons!

Thanks for the pic reminder, Mr Stokes. face-icon-small-blush.gif

Any sign of Dave K? Is he going to be joining us?

And Krista, Wopp, Brian, Richard etc?


Nick, you are a star, mate!! Good man.

Been a while since we've been out together. Ready for Boxer 23?!

Good man, Sir Richard (esteemed leader and press spokesman).

Get those boots on and don't forget the colourful waistcoat!!


Permission Granted!!!!face-icon-small-wink.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif

Tell me,

HOW bright do ya want the waistcoat, and would you ALL like to borrow one!!face-icon-small-wink.gif

But sorry, no lendy the boots

Ta Ta


Scooby Island

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