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Finally Done It

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after years of talking about it i finally got round to having my car given the treatment by mr forrest yesterday, and having had a chance to play im very happy! doesnt feel masively quicker in a straight line but as soon as i got onto the twisty roads i love the cars transformed,pulling a gear higher than before it just fires out of the corners making it much less demanding and a lot quicker point to point,exactly as the man said! :huh:

so a big thumbs up from me,although it gets kind of addictive this and im already looking for my next tuning hit,price of a turbo vs price of a kidney,hmm-the other half doesnt need both hers :lol:

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after years of talking about it i finally got round to having my car given the treatment by mr forrest yesterday, and having had a chance to play im very happy! doesnt feel masively quicker in a straight line but as soon as i got onto the twisty roads i love the cars transformed,pulling a gear higher than before it just fires out of the corners making it much less demanding and a lot quicker point to point,exactly as the man said! :huh:

so a big thumbs up from me,although it gets kind of addictive this and im already looking for my next tuning hit,price of a turbo vs price of a kidney,hmm-the other half doesnt need both hers :lol:

LOL, I know the feeling mate. Feels like a brand new car huh? Happy days!

What car are you driving again?

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cheers peter, cant believe how much difference they make to the look of the car- and as a bonus they dont show brake dust :thumbup:

hasnt made a massive difference in straight line,reckon your spot on in your pm, but point to point and out of corners-wow,grin city!

according to andys road dyno i peaked at 349hp/344lb and averaged out on 2 runs at 344/338- find out for sure in july :P

had to do something after that bl***y astra at the snowman!!

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